2012年8月29日 星期三

8/29 晨摘

1.How to get your first 1000 players by Tyler York

Who are your early adopters?
Ask yourself this: why did I make this game?

Where do I find my early adopters?
Seek out communities of players that are dedicated to the type of game that you’re testing.

Be sure to create social accounts for your game on Facebook and Twitter, and to use this accounts daily to interact with your first players.

A simple forum post by an indie developer asking for participants is usually well received, and these guys love playing games as much as you do. You can also link to your game in your forum signature, so that any other posts you make on these forums also serve as mini-advertisements for your game.

Building a community around your game

Scaling the early adopter community
  • Connect with them: show the reviewer that you read and enjoyed their coverage of similar games.
  • Get their attention: tell them what is unique about your game.
  • Meet in-person: if you are co-located and can meet with them to give them a demo in-person this will help ensure coverage.
  • Make the sale: explain why your game is a great fit for their audience.
  • Close the deal: give them a promo code to access your game early and ask them if they would be interested in reviewing your game.
  • Negotiate embargoes: so that their reviews post when your game is live. This will help drive traffic.
  • Don’t be ashamed to pay: due to the high number of games being submitted, a number of high quality review sites have started asking for payment to put your game at the “top of the heap”. If you can afford it, do it.

2.14 Things You Should Do at the End of Every Work Day by Jacquelyn Smith

(1)Evaluate your to-do list.
(2)Evaluate your to-do listReview your schedule for the next day.
(3)Review your schedule for the next day.
(4)Check in with your boss and colleagues.
(5)Tidy up.
(6)Complete non-peak hour work.
(7)Get closure.
(8)Make a new to-do list.
(9)Reflect on the day.
(10)Say good bye.
(11)Leave on a positive note.
(12)Be green.
(13)Leave your stress at the door.
(14)Go home.

延伸閱讀:14 Things You Should Do at the Start of Every Work Day

3.硅谷的借鉴:如何处理人才问题 by 36氪



Andreessen Horowitz的合伙人Shannon Callahan贡献了自己的经验:“当我们有一个新伙伴加入时,最好是对他说‘欢迎加入,我们已经为你制定好了30天、60天和90天的工作计划’,这样,员工会有很强的代入感,他们会感到自己在做一份非常棒的工作。他们甚至不会想理会其他企业抛来的橄榄枝。”
同时,Shannon Callahan认为如果是在创业企业内,老板的激情和公司的市场份额往往会影响员工的发展。公司规划、领导者决策和公司的市场地位是员工是否能快速发展的决定因素。

为了让新员工更好地接受公司文化、明白工作轻重并且全心全意地投入到岗位上,硅谷公司往往还会设立一个加强培训项目。Facebook四年前启用的The boot Camp项目就是一个很好的例子。
在The boot Camp中,每一个新成员都将由一位资深导师引领,全心全意投入到社交网络庞大的代码库中。在项目持续的6周时间内,新成员将经常加入技术讨论并被赋予任务——修缮漏洞、编写内部工具、升级架构等等。项目结束后,由新成员自己选择日后的工作团队。


4.三星新技术透明屏幕 9月将投放市场


三星称, UD22B方形显示屏幕取代了传统的矩形显示屏,它的1:1比例将可提供身临其境的视觉体验。将多块屏幕连接起来之后,人们可以用来制作有创意的马赛克、立方体或者其他三维形状的显示屏,不受空间或者形状的限制,在商业上,用这样的屏幕做广告,将能吸引更多消费者。

UD22B方形显示屏采用了三星的环境友好 Direct LED 背光技术,产生更少的热量,和现存的LCD屏幕技术相比,它的能量消耗降低了30%多,降低了运行成本。此外,UD22B方形显示屏还可以根据周围环境亮度还调节自身亮度,达到节能效果。

5.The Secret To Strengthening Your Personal Brand by Heather Huhman

(1)Drive traffic:The key here is an influential message, one likely to be shared.
(2)Leads them to seek more information.
(3)Ignites conversation.

如欲閱讀更多文章摘要,請見 每日晨摘

