2017年1月4日 星期三

2017/1/4 資安晨摘


1.Linux MySQL Udf 提權 by 91Ri_admin

2.端口滲透總結 by Hurricane Security

3.內網如何定位管理員 by HarmJ0y;翻譯:安全脈搏


1.SSD Advisory – Cisco MSE Preauthentication Remote Code Execution by Maor Schwartz

2.WEB2PY 反序列化的安全問題-CVE-2016-3957 by Shaolin

3.對某路由器進行的滲透測試 by 影武者實驗室

4.libplist's new XML parser has numerous bugs by saurik


1.如何偵測和阻止《躲進口袋的壞東西》:行動裝置勒索病毒? by TREND LABS

2.採用獨特域名生成算法的Tofsee殭屍網絡 by GovCERT.ch;翻譯:pwn_361

3.Mac Malware of 2016 by Patrick Wardle


1.簡單嘗試脫“愛加密”官網加固的DEX殼 by 十八垧

2.MINIFILTER實現文件重定向之從分析到實現 by lzldhu

3.Machine Learning Crash Course: Part 1 by Daniel Geng and Shannon Shih

4.Machine Learning Crash Course: Part 2 by Daniel Geng and Shannon Shih

5.How to Be a Hardware Hacker by Samy Kamkar


1.Python 之旅 by Ethan


1.一個dex脫殼腳本 by QEver

2.mitmAP - Simple Tool to Create a Fake AP and Sniff Data by David Schütz

3.Beyond detection: exploiting blind SQL injections with Burp Collaborator by Silent Signal_dnet

4.iotdb: Nmap scans of Internet of Things devices by shodan-labs

5.DOOM:分佈式任務分發IP端口漏洞掃描器 by lietdai

6.binja-retdec - Binary Ninja plugin to decompile binaries using RetDec API by crazy rabbidz

7.shodan-ip-download.py - lookup available information in Shodan for a list of IPs and save the data to a local file that can be processed using the Shodan CLI byJohn Matherly

